Monday, 4 September 2017

Altengard vs Krakovia

Here's an AAR for a recent game - I unpired it, so don't blame me for the deployments or orders for either side.

Altengard is my Holy Roman Empire analogue. 

Krakovia is Poland-plus (including Tabors & with the Winged Husars making an early appearance… my world, my rules)

ALTENGARD           Attacker  WR2+1 for Captain 

2 Imperial Knights                                            
1 Imperial Mounted Crossbows                    
4 Mercenary Light Cavalry                            
2 Imperial Spears                          
2 Imperial Crossbows                                                      
2 Brabançon Spears                                      
2 Brabançon Crossbows                                                  
1 Mecenary Pikes                        
1 Mercenary Hand-Gonnes          

1 Captain (Brother Knight Commander)
1 Black Brethren       
1 Order Spears                            
1 Order Crossbows                      
1 Varangian Warriors                 
TOTAL:    21 units +1 Captain     513pts

KRAKOVIA              Defender  WR3+1 for Captain 

4 Winged Hussars     
3 Vilnian Horse                             
3 Bohemian LC                            
2 Town Militia           
2 Tabors                                         

White Company
1 Captain  
1 Knights
1 Longbows

3 Varangian Warriors

TOTAL:19 units +1 Captain        550pts

Right: Mercenary Pikes/Hand-Gonnes with Varangian Warriors.
Centre: Brabançons in front, Imperial Spears in support.

Centre: Brabançons in front, Imperial Spears in support.
Left: The Brethren Contingent, Imperial Knights & Crossbows, backed up by all the Light Cavalry.
Facing them, the bulk of the Krakovian Horse, Vilnians to the fore, Winged Hussars behind, hold their Right while the Town Militia & the Varangians hold the woods in the Centre.
The Krakovian Left Centre is held by their Tabors, with the White Company & LC hold the Left flank (more LC in Reserve, behind the woods)

Altengard open with an attack on their Right.
Vilnian Horse move to intercept.

Altengard LC swarm around the rear of the Vilnian Hose while the heavies charge to the front, causing a Rout with the Krakovian Horse destroyed between the Altengard hammer & Anvil.
Meanwhile the rest of Altengard's army slowly advances.

The Winged Hussars advance to contest their Right, supported by the LC Reserve (moved from the centre to the flank)

The Mercenaries engage each other causing confusion.
The Centre comes to the crunch with the Varangians counter-charging from the woods.
Krakovia's Right is dispersed

Altengard fail to make an impression in the Centre & fade on both flanks, so throw in the towel, leaving Krakovia safe for now.

I had given the Krakovian Town Militia a higher Armour Class for their Pavises, but this makes them too resilient in RRtK. 
In future, I will lower their AC but allow them to count Cover vs Missile fire due to the same large shields. 
This would obviate their need to deploy in a wood & would help them to use their devastating firepower to greater effect in the open. 

The Terror effect of the Hand-Gonnes was never utilised. Nor was the fact that the Pikes were impervious to frontal assault by Mounted.
The Undisciplined Winged Hussars typically fought well but ended up all over the place & unable to regroup.

The early loss of Altengard's C-in-C (Z makes a habit of leading from the front) was mitigated by the Brethren's Brother Knight Commander taking over - albeit all to briefly as he too soon succumbed to fate as his unit was Routed from the field, severely hampering Altengard's command & control & eventually costing them the battle. 

Suffice it to say, I'd've done things differently (engage smug-mode)

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