Tuesday, 12 February 2019

C18th Century

I have been using the Maurice rules for my C18th battles for some time now.
They are an incredible set of rules, using a card system for a lot of the feel of the period.
I'm only miffed that, because of the card play, it's difficult to play solo - you can't play poker solo, can you?

Anyway, I hope to post more on this subject - with photos - very soon, as I have made the laborious leap from 2 x 15mm SYW in Flanders armies (Prussian & French) to 2 x 10mm WAS in Italy armies (Spanish & Austrian) with more to come - French on the way, Pragmatic Army next (possibly Jacobites to fight the Hanoverians in Britain?) Prussian & Russian to follow, with the Ottoman Empire as the cherry on top...

Maurice Lite rules are available free on t'internet but in their full glory they are MAGNIFICENT!
Trust me, I'll prove it anon...

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