Hordes of the Empire

We use a variation of Hordes of the Things written by Paul Potter, Blake Radetzky & Terry Webb called Hordes of the Empire (they are a supplement to & just show the changes made to HotT - check them out on http://fanaticus.org/DBA/periodadaptations/HoTE-Colonials3.pdf & I couldn't resist a bit of tinkering myself. We find them very useful for our Mahdist Wars & hope to branch out later into Zulus & more.

I use http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/ColonialWars/ to get ideas & ask silly questions & have found them very helpful.

Peter Pig is my favourite 15mm manufacturer atm & most of my Colonials are from there, supplemented by Irregular, Minifigs & Essex, with the Gunboats & Transports scratch-built.

My General has to help hold the thin... er, grey & white, actually.... line
Here is the version, with amendments, we use atm (v 1.2)

Using HotT as the core rules with the following amendments, mostly from HotE but Camp/BUA rules from DBA:

All native foot troops that fought with sword, shield, spear or some combination of these before the introduction of European breech loading and bolt action rifles can be played as Blade, Spear, Horde or Warband. After the introduction of European breech loaders, such troops are best represented as Warband or Hordes.

Generals: Each side has a separate General that is in addition to its regular 24AP
Mount Generals on a 30mm deep base & regardless of how these are represented they have a move of 500p & CF +2 (note no additional +1 for being a general).
They may not initiate combat, but can defend using the combat outcome as Cavalry & give +1 to any element/column they are attached to in close combat, but if the element the General is attached to is recoiled or destroyed from close combat (not firing) then roll for the General’s outcome;               1= dead, 2-3=Injured and out for two turns, 4, 5 or 6 = no damage inflicted.
All movement costs an additional PIP if the General is injured until he returns or is dead.

Mounted Troops: Heavy cavalry such as Dragoons = Knights. Other cavalry such as light cavalry, lancers, hussars, light dragoons & most native cavalry (horse or camel) = Riders. Camels can count oasis and dunes as good going per DBA 2.2 rules. All Cavalry trained to dismount to fight, using firepower are classed as Mounted Infantry.

Foot Troops:

Rifles: All troops armed with shoulder arms are classed as Rifles.
Small groups of musket men or archers with poor quality weapons that are quick to run can be played as Skirmishers.

Skirmishers: Skirmishers play as Psiloi per DBA with ‘destroyed if doubled by shooters’ added to their combat outcome. Skirmishers also represent poorly motivated musket and bow armed troops that are quick to flee. Skirmishers cost 2AP

Lurkers: Snipers, bandits, spies and booby-traps can best be represented as Lurkers costing 1AP
Mines in Water Ways & small water craft can be played as Water Lurkers costing 1AP
Booby traps on roads/railroads & Water Lurkers (on fords/bridges) can be deployed as per HotT

Mounted Infantry: including all cavalry trained to dismount & give fire, are considered foot, are on 40x40mm bases with 3 foot figs, a horse and horse holder, cost 3AP They are Rifles -1 in close combat (not shooting) but move as Cavalry, so only 200p in bad going.

Ambush: The defender may retain 0-4 (0-6 for 36AP armies) non-Lurker elements of his army which are placed in the 1st or 2nd bound as a 1 PIP group move in any terrain feature not occupied by enemy element(s). However these troops are not restricted to movement into other terrain features as Lurkers are, & thus may move as per their normal movement allowances within the rules. If the troops are not deployed they count as elements lost.

Artillery:  Guns, Mortars/Rockets & Machine Guns. 
All 3 types use the artillery move rates, combat factors and combat outcomes.

Guns: direct fire in own bound if it did not move. Range of 800p

Mortars/Rockets: fire in own bound if it did not move. Range of 500p & may fire over intervening terrain or elements.

Machine Guns: fire every bound even if they moved. They have a range of 400p

All 3 types of Artillery may deploy in and move into bad going but are subject to all the penalties of being in bad going.

Armored Trains, Gunboats and Transports:

Armoured Trains cost 3AP & play as do Gunboats but their movement is limited to railroads up to 400p An Armoured Train may carry 2 elements which can be loaded or unloaded for a PIP. If an Armoured Train is part of an army & a railroad is not placed then the train cannot be used & does not count as elements lost.

Gunboats cost 3AP & play as either a Gun, Mortar/Rocket, or a MG  May fire in its own bound even if it moved.

Transports cost 1AP & play as the type element they are carrying. If not, CF = 0 & use the combat outcomes for Cavalry.

Gunboats/Transports may carry 1 element. Movement limited to waterways. If in contact with the shore they may unload or load 1 element for the cost of 1 PIP.   If a Gunboat/Transports are part of an army & a waterway is not placed on the board these elements cannot be used & do not count as elements lost.

Armoured Trains/Gunboats/Transports are  foot for combat purposes. If any are carrying elements when destroyed, the element they are carrying is also destroyed.
Camps & BUA: Only 1 element can fight vs a Camp/BUA, but it can be aided by up to 2 other elements which do not have to be in contact with the main element, but all must be in at least partial contact with it.
Camp/BUA cannot count as a Flank or Rear contact, nor as an Overlap.

Defender’s Camp/Baggage:              neither good nor bad going               Camp CF2; Camp Guard CF 1            

A camp is optional if the army has a BUA, compulsory if it does not. It must be placed in good going on its side’s battlefield, WW or beach base edge with its nearest edge within 400p of the centre of that baseline. It cannot be positioned entirely behind Impassable terrain  – must be at least a one element wide passable route to it.

It can be occupied by either               (a) 1 only of your troop elements, which can vacate it or be replaced by another such element, or
(b) a free Camp Guard element that can move out of it but without being able to return.

BUA       neither good nor bad going               BUA CF3; Denizens CF 1

BUA may  be placed within 200p of a battlefield edge, WW or an Area Feature
All of a BUA must be within 900p of each of 2 battlefield edges or a WW. A BUA across a road can be passed through along the road by friendly elements even if occupied, adding the internal distance to the normal movement distance. These cannot end the move inside if it is garrisoned by troops.

When the attacker dices to choose his base edge he cannot choose the 2 battlefield edges closest to any BUA as his preferred edge, although the dice roll may require him to attack from one of these edges.
He CAN choose  the WW as his preferred edge….

The defender’s base edge is opposite. Defender places his Camp & deploys up to 600p in but can deploy a BUA garrison further in. Attacker then deploys up to 1,200p in Replacement Hordes will start from 600p in. Defender takes first bound.

Who can garrison a Camp or BUA?

Any single element can occupy an undefended BUA/Camp & defend it, but only foot can garrison a BUA/Camp & get the tactical factor. A garrison or other occupying element can vacate its BUA/Camp voluntarily by a tactical move, but does not pursue defeated attackers as an outcome move.

An undefended camp, or a camp whose defenders have been destroyed, can be occupied without combat by moving a troop element into it. If troops are moved into a camp occupied by a friendly Camp Guard, the latter are driven out to make room & are permanently removed from the game. There is no game penalty for the loss of a Camp Guard because more will have recruited themselves before the next battle.A camp that has been occupied by enemy has been looted & is destroyed -4AP  It cannot be retaken.

There are rare historical examples of camp followers voluntarily leaving the camp to potentially fight in the open but more realistically as a decoy or false  reinforcement. It is permitted with the same restrictions as for Denizens sallying forth. It leaves the camp undefended, so would be an act of desperation.


Denizens of a BUA are armed civilians initially loyal to the defender. If a troop garrison element vacates or is destroyed by shooting, the denizens continue to defend the BUA. If a troop garrison is destroyed in close combat, the denizens do not continue to defend the BUA. When a garrison or denizens are destroyed in close combat, the victorious enemy element occupies the BUA and remains inside it sacking it until its player has a PIP score of 5 or 6. It can then garrison the BUA or vacate it. Prior to that, it does not get the garrison tactical factor & cannot shoot or be shot at.

If the denizens of a BUA surrender to artillery shooting, it is not sacked & they change sides and will defend it for the enemy, a puppet administration being assumed to have been put in power. An appropriate enemy element that occupies it immediately becomes a garrison. A BUA that is or has been occupied by the enemy, (either during the battle or earlier in a campaign), & which has not been re-occupied by its original side or revolted is said to be under enemy control.

Denizens sometimes sallied out to assist a relieving army, so this is allowed if the BUA does not contain a troop element & there are both enemy & friendly troops within 2 BW of the BUA & cannot themselves go more than 3 BW from it. The BUA is undefended in their absence.
Denizens of a surrendered BUA cannot sally, as the puppet administration is fully occupied holding down a doubtful populace. If the denizens of a BUA are destroyed & it is left unoccupied by the enemy or vacated, either side can move into or through it without combat.
If a BUA surrendered or was captured during the battle or earlier in a campaign & the enemy occupiers have vacated it or been destroyed by shooting, the player that originally owned it can pay 6 PIPS at the start of any of his side’s bounds for its denizens (unless already destroyed in this battle) to revolt & overthrow the enemy, resume their original loyalty & defend the BUA.
360 degree shooting from  Camp/BUA, measurements to & from its edge.
Any Recoil result on an element in BUACamp is QK & any victors of close combat must fimmediately occupy it.
Combat & Outcomes

Camp Guard/Denizens = CF 1                            Camp gives +2 BUA +3       Defender’s Camp may be placed in a BUA 

Any Camp/BUA garrison/guard/denizens element that is Beaten & must Recoil is QK & if this is in close combat the victor immediately occupies the Camp/BUA [any element not able to garrison a Camp/BUA has Outcomes as normal?]

Garrisons in a Camp/BUA that would normally Pursue a Beaten enemy do not do so.
Camp Guard/Denizens do not count as AP so cannot contribute to Break Point.
A Camp/BUA cannot count as a flank/rear contact, overlap or be overlapped.

Occupiers of a BUA adjacent to a river count as defending the bank against enemy elements still partly in the river. BUA occupiers cannot count as uphill of attackers since a hill incorporated in a BUA is part of its defences.

Penalties for Loss of Camp or BUA                 -4AP penalty

A Camp is presumed looted & destroyed & may not be recovered 
BUA penalty applies for as long as it is in enemy hands, whether garrisoned or not but will be fully recovered if it reverts to its original owner.

Camp/BUA & enemy troops in contact are always treated as in flat, Good Going, so ignore all terrain based tactical factors, & troops are not Destroyed if they Recoil into terrain that would normally Destroy them.

Terrain: There are 3 additional terrain types - mud flats, dry river beds and railroads. Mud flats play the same as rough & are placed adjacent to waterways or rivers. A dry river bed is placed as a river but plays as rough terrain for any element in it.

Railroads cross the play area from one board edge to the other & have no effect on play.

Trenches & other linear fortifications can be represented using the HotT BUA rules.


Terrain:                  DBA       Compulsory:         Optional: 2-3 from
Desert                    Dry         1-2 x Rough           3 x Dunes, 3 x Difficult Hills, 1 x Oasis,  1 x BUA
Nile                         Littoral   1 x Waterway        1 x BUA,  1 x River or Wadi, 1 x Road, 1 x Railroad
Either 3 x Difficult Hills or Marsh/Mud Flats
                                                                                Either 3 x Woods or Dunes
Defender must choose 1-2 compulsory & 2-3 optional features & cannot include more than 1 each of Wadi, Oasis WW or BUA, or more than 3 each of any other feature type.

Divide the battlefield into 4 equal quarters, which the defending player numbers clockwise from 1-4.

side 1

side 2
side 4

side 3

After choosing all the features, the defender dices for each before it is placed. Compulsory features must be placed first.
1-4          the feature must be placed within that quarter.
  5            the quarter is chosen by the defender.
  6            the quarter is chosen by the invader.

All features are placed by the defender within the quarter indicated before the next feature is diced for.
Must be a gap of at least 1BW between each area feature & or an area feature other than a BUA/Mud Flat & a table edge or WW.

Difficult Hills and area features other than hills must be placed entirely within the indicated quarter.
A Gentle Hill may, and linear features must, extend into an adjacent quarter.
Only Marsh/Mud Flats, BUA, Road/Railroad may be within 200p of a WW
A feature that cannot be placed is discarded, even if of a compulsory type.

Linear terrain features must run from one battlefield edge to adifferent battlefield edge, except that a road can end prematurely by joining another road (or cross it) or end at a BUA, or ariver end by joining a waterway. A road cannot run to a waterway edge.

WW is impassable. It can be bordered by a flood plain extending up to 200p further, which is good going. The only features that can be placed in this area are , Marsh/Mud Flats, BUA, Road/Railroad & a Wadi joining the Nile. A River cannot be more than an element base width across &  cannot go within 400p of any battlefield edges except those on which it starts or ends.
Movement along a road counts as in good going. Combat along a road counts as in the going the road is passing through. A road must run from 1 battlefield edge through 2 or 3 battlefield quarters towards the other battlefield edge, bending only optionally to avoid terrain features & crossing rivers by ford or bridge. If a BUA is also used, 1 road must pass through it or less than 1BW from it.

All of a BUA must be within 900p of each of 2 battlefield edges or a WW. A BUA across a road can be passed through along the road by friendly elements even if occupied, adding the internal distance to the normal movement distance. These cannot end the move inside if it is garrisoned by troops.


The Attacker numbers his preferred base edge 4,5,6  & the others 1,2,3
He cannot choose the 2 battlefield edges closest to any BUA as his preferred edge, although the dice roll may require him to attack from one of these edges but he can choose  the WW as his preferred edge….
DBA says: If  Defender has used a compulsory road,  Attacker’s base edge must be1 of the edges the road joins.

The Defender’s base edge is opposite. Defender places his Camp & deploys up to 600p in but can deploy a BUA garrison further in. Attacker then deploys up to 1,200p in Replacement Hordes will start from 600p in.
Defender takes first bound.

Contoured Hills: A Difficult Hill is not necessarily higher than a Gentle Hill but it is more broken with some steeper slopes but still passable by all troop types. A Steep Ascent can only be negotiated by Skirmishers or Mountain guns

Gentle Hills A single contour with a gentle slope & no obstructions.

Difficult Hills       a) A single contour with more defined sloping edges & rocky areas.
b) As above but with a smaller countour added to make 2 contours.

When a Difficult Hill is placed by the Defender, he may attempt to roll 6 to add a contour,.
Treat each contour as a separate entity for determining upslope & crest lines.

Double Hills It is possible to place a double sized hill counting as 2 features & to then dice again as above to see if a 2nd contour can be placed on top. a) dice twice if you want to place 2 smaller contours.
b) dice to attempt to place 1 larger contour & again to place a 3rd smaller contour.

Steep Ascents A 2nd contour placed on top of the 1st & up to the edge of that contour will make a Steep Ascent which is Impassable to any except Skirmishers @ -1” per contour.

Cliffs Impassable to all

Moving, Shooting & Combat on Hills All hills are assumed to slope from a central ridge or point down to their edge. They restrict LOS & confer a combat advantage to an element with at least part of its front edge upslope of the whole of the opposing element.
Shooting is not allowed if a crest is even partly between (uncrossed) straight lines joining the front corners of the shooting element to the corners of the target edge.
As these ”assumed crest lines” are not depicted on the model, it is up to the owner of an element to state when it reaches/passes over a crest & up to his opponent to ask for the element to be moved if it looks wrong to him.
Also, there seems to be an anomaly where a Rifle element in the centre of a hill can cross the central ridge line but be unable to shoot at ANYONE because of the lateral crest axis. I would say that in this case it could shoot directly forward - do not use shooting template but allow shooting on any target with at least ½ base to its front, ignoring the lateral crest line in this case only.

If an element cannot stand when straddling a contour it must be moved further back until it can.
If any element looks ridiculous with either front or back sticking in the air, move it back until it doesn’t!

Winning and Losing: The game ends when one side has lost ½ of its AP or its General and more AP than the enemy.
Both players dice. The high scorer is the attacker. & the defender places all  terrain.

Base Sizes
Frontages 40mm

Troop Type
1 + crew
Mounted Infantry
3+1 horseh/h
Heavy Cavalry
1 or 2
3 or 4
Armoured Train

Element Cost

Troop Type
Generals, Camp Guard, Denizens
Armoured Trains, Artillery, Elephants, Gunboats, Mounted Infantry
Blades, All Cavalry/Camelry, Rifles, Skirmishers, Spear, Warbands
Hordes, Lurkers, Transports


Troop Type
HotT equivalent


Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry





Mounted Infantry

Artillery & MG

As HotT

Armoured Train
400 only on Railroad

400 only on Water

300 only on Water


Combat Factors

Camp Guard, Denizens
Skirmishers, Hordes, Lurkers, Generals, Camp
Cavalry, Camelry, Warband, BUA
Rifles, Dragoons
3 vs foot/camp, 4 vs others
Artillery (Guns, Mortars/Rockets/MG) or Spears
4 vs foot/camp, 5 vs others
5 vs foot/camp, 3 vs others


Guns/Mortars/Rockets/MG        Destroyed by any in contact.

Rifles*                                      Destroyed by any Mounted in contact, if not, recoil.
Skirmishers                               Destroyed by any Cavalry in going these count as good. If not, recoil.
Lurkers                                     Flee off the battlefield

Heavy Cavalry                          Destroyed by Elephants or Rifles, or Artillery they have moved into frontal contact with this bound, or if in Bad Going. If not, Recoil.
+ Generals/Transports               Destroyed if in Bad Going,  if not, Recoil

Camp Guard, Denizens              Destroyed by any in contact

Blades                                      Destroyed by Warband, if not, Recoil
Spears, Hordes                          Destroyed by Heavy Cavalry in Good Going or by Warband, if not, Recoil
Warband                                   Destroyed by Heavy Cavalry in Good Going or by Elephants, if not, Recoil

Camp/HQ                                Captured by any in contact.

Skirmishers                               Destroyed by any Cavalry in going these count as good or by Rifles or Skirmishers.
Otherwise Flee.

All others                                  Destroyed.

*including Mounted Infantry/Dismounted Cavalry

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