I keep track of these by giving the Generals poker chips to represent these points, which they surrender to the "bank" as each Body is activated.
However, once activated, that Body MUST move at least 1/2 move towards its target each turn until his terms of engagement are met.
This can be good (more points to spend on getting other Bodies moving) or bad (Oops! I didn't think he'd commit his Reserve to that flank so soon - I am in real trouble!)
This means I needed some way to record which Bodies are Active.
Bearing in mind my dislike, nay revulsion, at cluttered table-tops & my love of magnetic sheets, this is what I came up with.
Thin magnetic sheet, cut from the cheap off-cuts from http://magneticdisplays.co.uk & shaped, then a bit of landscaping done on the front bit which shows when the back bit is magnetically fixed to a steel base (see the basic Activation Markers behind the units)
I position it in the centre of a base to indicate a single unit activated & straddling 2 bases, as shown, to indicate the whole Body is up & running.
Inoffensive to the eye (beautiful, even, some might say...), easy to make & use - what's not to like?